Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter break: Bermuda triangle...

Hei! (Hey in Finnish)

Fortunately last week was the famous easter break! And I am glad to share with you a little bit about how was mine. As an old saying "first things first", I should explain the title. I did not have time (actually money) to visit the original Bermuda triangle, then I did on my own: on the Baltic see within three cities - Helsinki, Stockholm and Riga.

Did you get it?! Better a picture than thousands words:

View Easter Holidays 2011 in a larger map

I will describe apart a bit more my experience in each city and sort a hundreds few photos that you may be interested to see.

This short holiday just happened, I did not really planned doing such 'triangle' thing. To be honest, was the cheapest way to fly abroad and return, though I kind of like it. I also would recommend it!

A priori I can tell you that I really needed this break and the weather was just perfect. Sunny, blue sky and a delightful breeze. Of course I should add that I met awesome people (mainly because that are reading it right now).

That is it for today folks! Take care and wait for the upcoming blog of Stockholm!

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